Stop in for a cup of coffee

What you can't see is the back of the hood which has a wide screen TV so the driver can watch all 17 episodes of "Hello Kitty goes racing" while sitting in the driveway going "vroom, vroom"...
as much as I'd love to hang out here and continue to take in all this abuse - it be Z time and I can hear them warm sheets a callin'... it's been real and it's been nice..... cyas!
as much as I'd love to hang out here and continue to take in all this abuse - it be Z time and I can hear them warm sheets a callin'... it's been real and it's been nice..... cyas!
See ya tomorrow Mike...we will keep the kettle of abuse warm for you!
Well, my Dad got the staples in his scalp removed yesterday from his fall last weekend. He fought it every step of the way like a 2 year old getting a shot. It all went fine as far as the procedure goes, but traumatic for him and everyone involved.

He is becoming increasingly more like a toddler in his responses and frailer in his physical condition. I have the feeling (more and more) that it's not going to go on for a lot longer before it reaches the end. If he's still around a year from now, I will be very surprised. It's been 12 years from his initial ALZ diagnosis and 5 years since he progressed into full time care. He is already at the outside edge of the disease progression and approaching the farthest limits of how long he can go.

I just hope it's a peaceful conclusion when it does reach the end...both for him and everyone involved.

It's been a long road...
Well, my Dad got the staples in his scalp removed yesterday from his fall last weekend. He fought it every step of the way like a 2 year old getting a shot. It all went fine as far as the procedure goes, but traumatic for him and everyone involved.

He is becoming increasingly more like a toddler in his responses and frailer in his physical condition. I have the feeling (more and more) that it's not going to go on for a lot longer before it reaches the end. If he's still around a year from now, I will be very surprised. It's been 12 years from his initial ALZ diagnosis and 5 years since he progressed into full time care. He is already at the outside edge of the disease progression and approaching the farthest limits of how long he can go.

I just hope it's a peaceful conclusion when it does reach the end...both for him and everyone involved.

It's been a long road...
Prayers Dave, such a terrible thing to have to go thru. If there's anything I can do, please let me know
When it's to the point where you know your Dad would not want to be in the state he is in, and you try to define what loss of dignity really is, or isn't; when you want to protect your Dad the way he protected you, but you can't...that is tough. All you have to go on is faith in God's grace.
how true - g'morning!! You know, I used to think I can do this hanging by my thumbs... piece of cake, but the closer I get to retirement the less and less I want to do this... it's gotten to the point that I am refusing OT shifts because I am sick of being there...

I gotta go to work to get some time away from working!! LOL Two days in the garage kicked my ***... back, hips, knees all aching. Thank God for ibuprofen!!
I gotta go to work to get some time away from working!! LOL Two days in the garage kicked my ***... back, hips, knees all aching. Thank God for ibuprofen!!
I hear you, Sanding walls yesterday. Got that last load of firewood and cleaned the mess out of my car Sat...
I didn't do Squat Yesterday !!! Ok ,,,Maybe I did Squat over the porcelin convenience once
So what makes a guy get up so early, when he aint gotta go to work ???:BangHead::BangHead: