First off you would be wrong I did not pay less than $200.00 for 2 Turbo's. Those ones are the CHEAPER POS's that you are talking about. I don't believe you are installing these turbo's on your customers cars. They are the less expensive units that even LOOK CHEAP per your comment above. Your comment about EBAY Turbo's is a Broad one putting EVERY one of them in the same box.
Also the wastegates that I am using have the
EXACT SAME DIAPHRAM in them as the $600+++ Dollar TIAL gates. The replacement is to use it specifically!
How do I know this? I tore them apart and inspected them AFTER I did all the research. The valve is SOLID STAINLESS STEEL and the guides are also. The SEAL is made from VITON which is the exact same material used in your high dollar Valve Seals when you get your heads done.
Also this BUILD has nothing to do about being SHORT on CASH because I have Plenty of $$ and can build WHATEVER I want! Those on this site who know me know this is a FACT. I could also PAY someone to do all this work but I CHOOSE not to. I enjoy doing it and it is a release for me.
This build is about the AVERAGE GUY that does not have a bunch of $$, he too can build a set up like this without the BIG bucks that it would usually take to do it.
So you are saying you have installed one of these EXACT TURBO's and they failed???
Please start YOUR OWN thread on the subject with Documentation, PICTURES and DATA to back it up! Don't use key strokes to do it!!
Well I have done my research and most have had great success with these turbo's. Of course there are some that have failed but Garret, Precision, Master Power etc and the like have had the same failures but nobody wants to talk about that after spending BIG $$ on them. Even your high dollar wastegates and blow off valves have had issues and if you say any different you would be kidding yourself.
No the engine will be dyno'd without them, the engine in the car is a mock engine. The Turbo's will be torn apart inspected, cleaned and then installed on the car and taken to the Chassis Dyno for tuning.
This is NOT my first Rodeo.
So you are saying that you need to spend BIG BUCKS to make reliable Power?? If that is the case you need to look here............
4 Seasons running in the 8's on JUNK PIECE OF **** GT45Yk2004 EBAY TURBO's with NO Problems as of Yet and he NEVER took them apart and even inspected them.
YouTube - Mike's 1967 Ebay Twin Turbo Powered BBC
There are several guys here that use them with Great Success for example a guy running a 327 Chevy no turbo specific camshaft, heads that flow only 240cfm with a blow thru carb knocking down 9.80 quarter mile times consistantly with
ONE of these exact turbo's.
No problems EVER!!
This thread is dedicated to the Turbo's I am using and there is NOBODY that I have found that has
HANDS ON EXPERIENCE with this EXACT TURBO that I am using that the Seals Leaked, came apart or anything else. It is all HEARSAY from NON PLAYERS that like to shoot their mouths off on the internet. The guys that say EBAY turbo's are JUNK are putting every EBAY turbo in the same box which is pretty unfair to say the least.
I can see it now a guy working in his garage all excited about his new toy. Hitting the throttle while his friend is under the hood and the turbo sucks up a RAG. or HEY hand me the timing light, he turns to grab it and BOUNCES a wrench off the Inducer. Well these turbo's are JUNK and the story goes on...................
There are also ALOT of Diesel guys pushing these EXACT Turbo's to over
55lbs of Boost beating the CRAP out of them and they LIVE!! Do your own research and you will see.
I believe that MOST of the failures WE are talking about are INSTALLER Caused from people that don't have a clue what they are doing and NEVER should be attempting a task like this on their own. Just LOOK at the Pictures of these people set ups and installation jobs and you will know right away they NEVER even should have attempted the task.
Please don't get me wrong I do not claim to be an expert but I have done enough research to Prove my point over that last 2 months on the parts I have chosen to use.
This build is costing NOBODY but myself time and $$$ for everyone else to learn from. If these Turbo's take a crap on me then that's what happens. In the process all who see it will learn from what I am doing. Just so you know I prove doubters wrong on a REGULAR basis and that is what this build is all about.
I will post ALL my findings and I will have Documentation, Pictures, DATA and the Experience to Back EVERYTHING up with REAL WORLD findings!! NOT a keyboard and the words of someone else.
Also with the kind of questions you are starting threads about that I just found here............
I do not believe you have ALL the experience you say you do! I believe MOST will agree with me and take take your post as a GRAIN OF SALT just as I thought BEFORE I found your thread ........ KEYBOARD ASASSINATION of all ebay turbo's in general with NO REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE!
That is all I gotta say about that. So I am carrying on..................