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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
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Gilroy, Ca
My girlfriend and I split up a couple days ago, after not talking for nearly a week before...I really don't know what happened...It makes me sad...We were together for a year & a half, I know it's not a long time, but I really really miss her already ...She was there for me while I was in Iraq, we talked online everyday, and when I came home she stayed with me on base for a few months...Then when I got out of the Army, everything was fine for almost 7 months...I mean we had our little arguments and stuff, but just a few days ago...I just don't know what happened...I guess you don't know what you have until you lose it...I've lost my appetite, ..........I can't even stay home alone or I'll go nuts......So I just go no where......for hours......all day.....I don't even feel like working on my cars anymore...She was with me a lot of the times when I did...I just don't know what to do...I'm not going to work tomorrow...I just can't....I'm really sad...I don't like to be alone.......
you are not alone, you have your friends and family right here, remember everything happens for a reason, we may not see it now but sooner or later we will.
hang in there, I'd tell her how you feel and ask her if there is anything you did or did not do... I know with my wife, a lot of times I am doing something that I'm not even aware of.... (been married 25 years... and she has not shot me yet... although at times I think she should!))

AND, as Poppa said, you are not alone....
I wish I had the words to say to make you stand tall and carry on mopardud.
It's not good to have the carpet pulled out from under you when you don't see it coming.:angry7:
She owes you a phone call or something I would think,8) and a year and a half is a long time 8) Remember that you are a man that has feelings to and she has pulled the carpet out from under you and it sounds like for no reson
Your happiness is in portent and you need it for good health so give her time and give yourself time to figure it out.... Know go outside in the front yard and wash your Truck, Car or fire up the BBQ grill and have a friend or two over
I check out Youtube comedy, Racing or Music to keep my mind off of the things that people do to me that is hurtful :happy10:
I hope things get back to normal or she at least gives you a reason "excuse" why she has dun this.
Know give your self a big smile and thank you for keeping this country safe.
Sux, been there... don't wanna go back.

it taught me to keep a good amount of 'myself' to 'myself' and make sure that 'I' play the major role in controlling my life and happiness.

I forever keep in the back of my mind that it can end at any time....

though it's gotta keep workin and taking care of yourself.

And then when you feel up to it, get some strange asap!
get some insure diet drinks and they are good as cold as you can get em, will help you clear your head and eat as much as you can , get some sleep , give her some ready to listen if she comes prepared for if she don't come back. Hope it works out for ya and were here if ya need us.
Sorry to hear about your problems. I've been there several times in the past.
I can offer this advice. Give her a chance to miss you. Give her some time, and see if she gets in touch, or tries to explain what is going on. Maybe you can talk to a mutual friend, or maybe one of her friends, to find out what the problem is. Dont hound her or her friends, but just let them know you would like to know what is going on. After a year and a half, you have a right at least to an explanation.

The only words of comfort I can offer are these.

Although at the time I was devastated when something like this happened, someone new always came along, and eventually I met my wife, who I have been married to for 28 years. Each breakup was a step on the road to my eventual happiness, and without them, I would never have finally met the girl who decided to stick with me through thick and thin, who has given me 4 wonderful children, and who has always been there for me.

If your girlfriend is the right one, she will be back. If not, then the right one is waiting somewhere for you, and you need to find her. Dont give up on her, just because you may not have met her yet. Or she may be someone you know, but just havent noticed. Fate and God will help you, so be patient, and look forward to it.

And remember that, even though it hurts right now, it's really true what they say. Time heals all wounds. Each day will be a little better. You are young, you have been through a lot. If things dont work out, and she doesnt give you a reason for what happened, its her loss. Go to parties, hang out with your friends, keep busy. Work on your car, cause it'll always be there for you. Surround yourself with people because it really helps. Worst thing to do is sit around by yourself and think about it, or do something really stupid. Have fun, move on, and look for the right one.
You know the old saying..set it free,if it comes back it,s yours..if not,it never was.Good Luck and keep your chin up.It,s a big world with a big sea!
md318, since you have all ready gotten some good advice above, and driving seems to help with things right now, take a drive up today (Monday) to the upper Peninsula. Slantscamp is coming over and we're pulling a head and misc parts for him off of a /6. We can grab some lunch afterwards and a nice cold beverage. If you are interested, PM me.
Hang in there bud.....I am sure alot of us have been in about the same situation.....all you can do is deal with it for now and it will get better in time.

Maybe she just needs some space for a bit....maybe wow her? some woman get tired of waiting around for "nothing" and ,maybe you could win her back with a shiny rock? lol....send some flowers to her? show her why she fell in love with you in the first place and remind her that that part of you is still there?

they can be pretty complicated sometimes...and all you can do is go along for the ride.

Good luck and maybe she will be kind enough to atleast give you an explanation ....but hang in there and if you need to talk we are ALL just a couple clicks of a mouse and keys away!
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.”

Please remember that old phrase. Hang in there man, you are NOT alone. there are 13,000 friends out here to lean on. We got your back. Prayers sent for you my friend. Believe me, I have also been there and it is depressing but there are better things in store for you. try to keep a clear head and do anything to take your mind off all of this. If it is driving, drive man, just try to remain positive. I know it's hard but you are NOT ALONE!!!!!
Been through enough crap for 3 or 4 lifetimes myself. All I can say is hang in there and don't give up and don't change the good things. Been through 2 divorces and a couple of breakups that ripped my heart out and stomped it flat. Taught me that life goes on and to keep my chin up. Drifted along for a lot of years and ran across Mary. It made everything worthwhile because I knew what I had when I found her. Life is good when your wife is your best friend. We're having our third anniversary this June. May sound crazy, but this is just a bump in the road and one of these days you will be glad it happened. If you need anything, sing out. We're here for you.
Don't be buyin up any shiny things to impress her, simple thing like listening and saying uh huh and yea while she talks, don't offer to fix any problems that will drive her nutz!!! she prolly just wants you to listen, and yea it may be tempting to ask the friends how she's doin but don't do it it is an invasion of space, for now eat, drink some of them ensure drink's to help get your nutrients and clean up your act, git little projects done(the sence of acomplishment will help the brain and the heart) and go see some of your old friends and help on a car project or something...(the more stuff you keep busy with the less time to think about this. now and it will get better in time.
Hang in there bud.....I am sure alot of us have been in about the same situation.....
Maybe she just needs some space for a bit....maybe wow her? some woman get tired of waiting around for "nothing" and ,maybe you could win her back with a shiny rock? lol....send some flowers to her? show her why she fell in love with you in the first place and remind her that that part of you is still there?

they can be pretty complicated sometimes...and all you can do is go along for the ride.

Good luck and maybe she will be kind enough to atleast give you an explanation ....but hang in there and if you need to talk we are ALL just a couple clicks of a mouse and keys away!
So sorry to hear this mopardude318. Things will get better, it will take some time. When my first marrage ended I thought it was the end of the world. Very depressed. Only thing that fixed me up was going out and having some fun. Found a couple chicks to spend some time with and get my swag back and start to hold my head up high again. Her leaving me was the best thing that could have happened in my life.
Best of luck to you and go take up Ben on his offer to hang out with friends.

Heres a couple songs for you.

[ame=""]YouTube- Argent - Hold Your Head Up - live 1973 Midnight Special[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube- Limp Bizkit - My Way[/ame]
I'm in the same situation. Two days ago my girlfriend of 2 years left me. I'm sad, confused, lonely. I feel like a compass with no direction. She was my life and I'm empty now. I can't sleep, work is horrible. Nothing has a meaning to me anymore.

I do the same thing. I just drive and drive and drive. I dont care about money or possesions or anything. I just want her in my life. Last two days have been unbearable
Go screw all her friends.if it doesn't make her jealous enough to come back maybe you will fall for one of them.when you figure out why she left you probably won't want her back.
Go screw all her friends.if it doesn't make her jealous enough to come back maybe you will fall for one of them.when you figure out why she left you probably won't want her back.

DD is right on. Getting another girl is the best medicine. Let her go.
Dude and rld9877, I'm praying for both of you in hopes that some light will be shed on your circumstances and bring you peace. In the meantime, there is a lot of good advise mentioned above. Read what your friends here have written and know that we are here for you if you need us. I guess the one piece of advise I can offer is to not turn to something like alcohol or some other crutch to get you through. Only a clear head will be able to sort out your feelings and allow you to stay prepared to talk the issues through if you get the chance to have a conversation with these ladies. It will go a long way to show them that you are prepared to continue your life with them, or without them, depending on the outcome, and that you will do so in a mature and responsible manner.

It may seem funny, but when I have a problem or issue to work through, I always dive into something completely different than what I'm used to doing. Learning something new and having to occupy my mind thinking about something completely out of my comfort zone leaves no time to think about issues or problems in my everyday life. That and a good dose of Mopar has always helped me through. I have gotten a lot of work done on my cars at midnight not wanting to go into the house to stew about things that are waiting inside the door.

I would like let you know that you can count on your friends here to help you through, should you like to just chat. You can always P.M. me and I'll chat about just about anything if it helps. Make sure you stay first in your lives and I'll be praying for you both, Geof
I dont think there is one imparticular reason some women do the things they do... Most everyone knows that 99.9% of women are bat $hit crazy with the exception of forabodiesonly chicks :D... I think alot of us have been in situations like yours. Some of us were married with kids etc and this kind of thing has happened. The only advise I can give you is to better yourself the only ways you know how. Work harder, spend time with family/friends, have fun and be a better person to people you have looked over in the past. Those are the things that will make you stronger in my mind. I have been there and I tried to focus on those few things and life has turned out for the better. Set your mind on something and go after it. And not her :D that will probably lead to some kind of rap and restraining orders. I really focused on my work when I got my divorce from the first wife for 7 years it was tough but I tried to increase my work ethic first and focus on doing things better. It has really improved my career and job position. I stayed around family when I wasn't working or playing. That was the main thing that helped me. You need to have someone to talk to so find a good friend (not the one crackin your ol lady in mycase boy was I pissed) LMAO its funny now believe me. Family and friends are your wall to lean on and FABO too... I thought I lost everything until I met my wife (married 3 years :D) I never knew what a good relationship was supposed to be so hang in there dude. I'm out before this turns into crazy Jerry Springer episodes LMBO...
Go screw all her friends.if it doesn't make her jealous enough to come back maybe you will fall for one of them.when you figure out why she left you probably won't want her back.

HAHA this is a good way to figure out why she left... Thats kinda how I found out LMAO :snakeman:
Dude, it get's better.
Perhaps this is YOUR opportunity to find out who YOU are. I am in no way saying it's your fault. I am saying you've been given a chance to be the real man that you are.
I won't bore you with the details of my life, it doesn't matter. I'm still rebuilding.
Take your time, be yourself. You got a ton of friends here to lean on if you need it.
This probably won't help but I see that you are 23 years old.

What I am about to say comes from experience………..

At your age you should look at your girlfriend as a learning tool, just one of many you will have on your way to "THE ONE".

At 23 you don't know what you want and if she was the same age, she doesn't know what she wants, but you both will THINK you know everything.

Each girl that walks out the door opens up the opportunity for the next girl in line. You never know what that next girl in line may be…….

I had one "next in line" that liked to have her hot girlfriend "sleep over" sometimes (glad I didn't miss out on that)

I had another "next in line" that walked around the house in nothing but cheerleading skirt (glad I didn't miss that)

I had another "next in line" that would get drunk, piss her pants and pass out (this one I could have done without)……. But her sister made me feel all better (glad I didn't miss that)

Enjoy the "Line". I got married for the first time at 40 and Im glad I waited.
ladys r nice...this time o'year it seems to be change 4them.
keep with will hook up again and learn the ways of the ladys..they like sweetness..

[ame=""]YouTube- Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit[/ame]
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