Stop in for a cup of coffee

They are not designed to do an instant jump, they just allow you to slowly charge the battery and/or get enough power to operated the electrical systems like doors, etc.

And they do work to get enough power to start the car. My SRT battery was dead and I used ours to get enough charge back to start it. It took about 20 mins of connection before it fired up.
That would be a good way to get a 'jump' when using an AGM. Didnt watch the video, but a slow recharge would keep the battery from getting hot like it does if you just get a straight jump and then drive it with alternator doing the recharge.
I like the idea of a shunt amp meter vice measuring ALL of the current flowing, but am ignorant at this level.
Part I
All non-inductive ammeters have shunts in parallel with the indicating circuit. The needle deflection is calibrated to the shunt's resistance, which is very low. A typical multimeter won't show it accurately if all.

The ones in most of our cars have an internal shunt -which is just a big flat plate. Around '73 full size Chryslers started getting externally shunted ammeters, and in '76 even A-bodies have externally shunted ammeters.

If you check aircraft and marine supply stores, they often sell externally shunted ammeters.

Part II
An externally shunted ammeter would be a good way to go.
Two choices:
a. Measure all of the current produced by the alternator. Easy, place the shunt in the alternator output wire.
b. Measure all of the current used by the system. Not possible with the original strategy. Need to wire it up differently.

How can anything but glass give you infinite resistance in a circuit?
Typical engineer edumacation. Where's our translator?

But seriously - Funny both and BillGrissom say brought up circuits 101 today. I'll tell you what. What I got at NJIT was very minimal. Knowing it would be important, I signed up for Electro-mechanical systems as a senior elective. On the first day of class we discover it was changed to "micro-mechnical" systems. Total BS. Not much I could do about it. Only thing I got out of it was a level of proficiency in laplace transforms.:BangHead:

To measure volts, you are measuring the pressure and do not need electricity to flow... It is also connected in parallel so it doesn't prevent the regular circuit/amps flow...
And here's the mistake I made too many times until it sunk into my head.
Volts when there is no electricity flowing and when there is a circuit working may not be the same!
When its flowing, if there is resistance, where we measure the pressure can make a difference.
There may be 80 psi at the 3rd floor balthroom when the valve is shut, but if its a calcified 1/2" supply line, and you're running the shower, its going to be something less than 80 psi at the valve. And if someone is using the second floor bath..
I stop at McD's to get some sausage McMuffins and had to wait by the door for my order to come out... They had the quantity wrong and had to correct it when I paid at the first window so the order was not ready when I got to the second window...

As I'm waiting for the order, and elderly lady comes and parks in one of the two spots reserved for the drive thru order waiting... While she's walking from her car I point out to her that she just parked in the reserved drive thru spots... I asked if she saw the sign right dead center in middle of the front of the parking spot...

She replies, "I saw the sign"...

I said, "So you just ignored it... "

She commented, "Where else am I gonna park"...

I pointed out to her that the empty spot right next to the one she parked in is regular parking... :bs_flag:

She then got back in her car and parked in the correct spot...

It's not like she was handicapped or couldn't walk very good... She was a little slow walking, but that doesn't excuse her from following the rules... She was fully functioning and not disabled...

Like Gallagher says, you have to point out when people are being ignorant and stupid or they will go around thinking it's ok....
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And here's the mistake I made too many times until it sunk into my head.
Volts when there is no electricity flowing and when there is a circuit working may not be the same!
When its flowing, if there is resistance, where we measure the pressure can make a difference.

Yes, there is a voltage drop when current flows through a resistance... The higher the resistance, the more the voltage drop....

However, you need some resistance in a circuit, or the power will try to flow full blast at once... I like to think of resistance as regulating the current flow so it doesn't all want to flow at once like a short...
Well it ended just the way you figured. It is all fun till someone gets hooked in the snout! They crack me up

When the cats whip out the stilettos (claws) that puts the dog back in it's place... Nothing like a good swipe across the nose to set them straight...

Nature's checks and balances...
Yes, there is a voltage drop when current flows through a resistance... The higher the resistance, the more the voltage drop....

However, you need some resistance in a circuit, or the power will try to flow full blast at once... I like to think of resistance as regulating the current flow so it doesn't all want to flow at once like a short...
Yes. That's a good way of thinking about it. I've taken the habit of trying to consider lamps and motor windings are all resistances.
Just checking in. Hope everyone is having a good Friday. Heading by Dad tomorrow to rake the Barracuda out. He has done a bunch of work to it and is having a lot of fun now.
I actually will buy one eventually. I have to fix or replace the Wagoneer's lighter first. On the Barracuda, the lighter is in the ashtray and not a location where its very useful.
For diagnostics, this works pretty well.
View attachment 1715314950

So as best I can tell, since I didnt drive it anywhere, the 15 Volt regualtion was temperature related as today it was down to 14.7 to 14.8 at startup.
The analog meter was checking voltage at the temperature sender connection - sender disconnected. Might be resistance in the circuit since the fuel gage is roughly correct (for a repop).

I always learned that 14.6 was the perfect voltage.

We always said 13.5 to 14.5 volts was normal operational range.

When I did electrical testing at Sears while I was in college, we used voltage on a 12 volt system should be 13.3 v - 15.0 v... Anything lower will not recharge the battery, and anything higher the voltage regulator was not limiting the voltage properly...
And here's the mistake I made too many times until it sunk into my head.
Volts when there is no electricity flowing and when there is a circuit working may not be the same!
When its flowing, if there is resistance, where we measure the pressure can make a difference.[/ATTACH]

That's what circuits class was all about, calculating/measuring voltage drop and current in a circuit..

Parallel circuits have constant voltage and the current varies across each circuit/branch according to its resistance...

Series circuits have constant current/amps and the voltage drops across each resistance...
Are we talking man parts here???? :rolleyes:

Allegedly there are drugs to fix that now :rolleyes:

But the drugs only put it at full mast... It won't take the bend out if there is one...

Like the old "presidential crook" referring to the bend in Bill Clinton's junk according to Monica Lewinski....
I stop at McD's to get some sausage McMuffins and had to wait by the door for my order to come out... They had the quantity wrong and had to correct it when I paid at the first window so the order was not ready when I got to the second window...

As I'm waiting for the order, and elderly lady comes and parks in one of the two spots reserved for the drive thru order waiting... While she's walking from her car I point out to her that she just parked in the reserved drive thru spots... I asked if she saw the sign right dead center in middle of the front of the parking spot...

She replies, "I saw the sign"...

I said, "So you just ignored it... "

She commented, "Where else am I gonna park"... View attachment 1715315292

I pointed out to her that the empty spot right next to the one she parked in is regular parking... :bs_flag:

She then got back in her car and parked in the correct spot...

It's not like she was handicapped or couldn't walk very good... She was a little slow walking, but that doesn't excuse her from following the rules... She was fully functioning and not disabled...

Like Gallagher says, you have to point out when people are being ignorant and stupid or they will go around thinking it's ok.... View attachment 1715315291
So you are saying that you are out bullying old ladies
Rum and Coke is made and Im ready for the weekend... Not sure what I will get done but I have a lot I could do. If its not raining, I've got to go uncover the camper, make sure its all ok and snap pics to sell it.

If it is raining, we ordered backsplash tile and it came in so we have to go pick that up and the other stuff we need.

I also need to swap hood hinges on the car, and my valve covers arrived today from @CudaChick1968. The covers look great and Im excited to get them on the car. I'll snap some pics of them later and make a thread..
Long day. Cobalt is out, two more jobs dropped off, one customer dropped her truck and took another customers while i fix hers. Good thing we are all friends. Its not getting any easier. Have to get used engine out of shop before i do anything else.

I see you guys are building a brand new building in town. Right on Interstate 41. Is touching EAA grounds. Would be a nice location to visit in summer during the air show except the 600,000 other people who will be next door!