My ebay feedback on a autometer guage seller

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If he won't do you right, My vote is to fry the guy.

Those pictures do not look like new parts to me.

Ma Snart


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Are you the same guy last week that told a fellow member if He and His Daughter walk on the road then they are bound to get hit and to just get over it.

Well, let me be the 1st to tell you that if you buy from ebay your bound to get ripped off and or be disappointed so just go ahead and get over it.

You Know, Just sayin LMAO
FYI .. This buyer (gerrynolanjr) gave this seller (boatpartsman) negative feedback on Christmas Day !
This is reason you can not find good stuff on eBay anymore !
Sellers are gun shy because they are unarmed & dealing with unreasonable buyers with double barrel shotguns !
Merry Christmas 2011
If the product was mis represented then you have a case,period.
FYI .. This buyer (gerrynolanjr) gave this seller (boatpartsman) negative feedback on Christmas Day !
This is reason you can not find good stuff on eBay anymore !
Sellers are gun shy because they are unarmed & dealing with unreasonable buyers with double barrel shotguns !
Merry Christmas 2011

VERY well said.
If the product was mis represented then you have a case,period.

THere was no case for negative feedback, Paul. Sorry friend, but you are wrong on this one. I would agree 100% if the "misrepresentation" was indeed intentional and malicious, but it is quite apparent neither was the case here. I am not certain that it was even misrepresented at all. The seller thought and believed 100% that the part that was shipped was new. Since he had no knowledge that it was not new, that blows the case for misrepresentation out of the water. Yall are a bunch of hard asses. I sure am glad I give stuff away and charge dirt cheap *** prices cause I'll be a sumbitch if people aren't gonna find something to ***** about no matter what. Merry frakkin christmas indeed.

I had this happen to me just a week or so ago. I ordered a transmission kit. When it arrived it was incomplete missing about half the parts and looked like it was returned and picked over.

I contacted the seller and told them what I recieved. They had another full kit in the mail. When it arrived I inventoried and it was complete. I then left neutral feedback when I suppose I could have left negative. I left neutral feedback saying what happened but also mentioned they made it right. I left neutral feedback for others to be aware to check the inventory. Hey sometimes **** happens. I understand that most sellers selling product dont make it. They buy it cheap and resell. Sometimes the blunder is on there supplier.
IMO, you screwed the guy leaving neg feedback. PERIOD!!!

He offered a full refund + return shipping when he found out the item was not right. Then you negative feedback him? If you wanted a different resolution, maybe YOU should have suggested one. That one the seller offered was probably the easiest and most commonly used/successful for them.

I guess if the item arrived, run over by a tank, that would reflect poorly on him?

If you buy something and end up with what you ordered you have nothing to complain about, especially when ordering over the net. Crap happens and if they take care of it, you got what you bought. If you are reasonable and they told you to go F yourself, then byatch up a storm.

People wonder why sellers don't want to deal with this nonsense anymore.
Are you the same guy last week that told a fellow member if He and His Daughter walk on the road then they are bound to get hit and to just get over it.

Well, let me be the 1st to tell you that if you buy from ebay your bound to get ripped off and or be disappointed so just go ahead and get over it.

You Know, Just sayin LMAO

IMO, you screwed the guy leaving neg feedback. PERIOD!!!

I agree.

OwdKasd.... That gauge obviously was either used or a factory refurbished part. Since the "Spec of Solder" is under the lens I would guess a factory refurbished part. Now how do you know that this wasn't misboxed at the factory? Maybe it was a test unit from quality control that got sent out by mistake from the factory. Fact is you have no idea of what happened and his feedback totally fails to represent your rant.

You were less than a stellar person not to abide by the sellers terms. Those terms just happen to be the same identical terms that eBay and PayPal have. Maybe you should read up on the terms that you agree to when buying or selling on eBay.
he should have inspected the part before sending it out. obviously it was misrepresented as being new.i myself have received parts that were not what they were supposed to be ,and well, having it there in front of me,and not wanting to go through all the b.s to return it and wait for a refund and then reorder through someone else,decided to eat the loss and just use the part (if i could) and just leave it alone, as most people do. but on the other hand, he did come out(and even registered here at FABO) to make good on the transaction of which, you NEVER see happen. so i give the guy props for manning up ,to clear up the problem. so even though you have to go through the b.s., at least he is taking responsibility for his end of the deal and giving you the option to get everything back you have into it $0.02 cents worth........

so should every company inspect it before selling? because edelbrock doesent, holley doesnt, and i know for a FACT that autometer doesnt, most companys who produce mass quanity dont, and i can see how things get overlooked,

i posted pics of my heads, edebrock told me that theres no issue...and clearly there was.

for someone selling alot of ****, it can be over looked easy, expecially minor **** like that, and how do we know the "damage" was not cause my shipping,

also ive seent gages where the terminals look like they are used, right out of the box new.

either way, i wasent the buyer...nor the seller....ive heard both sides, and in my opinion i think it would be a douche move to leave negitive feed back
the seller messed up, the part was not as advertised
negative feedback is appropriate
the seller appears to be a standup guy and is willing to refund the money
at which time negative feedback should be removed, AFTER the buyer get's his refund and not a moment sooner
this is what "feedback" is for, to let potential buyers what has occurred in the past AND what was done to rectify the situation
no one can run a business with 100% customer satisfaction, there will always be problems that are out of the owners control, so NO business can honestly have 100% positive feedback
so should every company inspect it before selling? because edelbrock doesent, holley doesnt, and i know for a FACT that autometer doesnt, most companys who produce mass quanity dont, and i can see how things get overlooked,

i posted pics of my heads, edebrock told me that theres no issue...and clearly there was.

for someone selling alot of ****, it can be over looked easy, expecially minor **** like that, and how do we know the "damage" was not cause my shipping,

also ive seent gages where the terminals look like they are used, right out of the box new.

either way, i wasent the buyer...nor the seller....ive heard both sides, and in my opinion i think it would be a douche move to leave negitive feed back
you are right about the big companies mass producing parts.they should have some sort of quality control.but things happen, bad parts slip through. and every large company usually has someone there to look over each piece before packaging and shipment,otherwise there would be no way to know that a part is bad until they got enough complaints. and my comment "he should have inspected it before he shipped" was really a dumb thing to say,because if it were me ,i would have made sure it was in fact new before presenting it as such. but thats just the way i do things. who knows,it was probably presented to him as a new piece and he didnt bother to check it out and it just got passed on...just a thought.
Can someone tell me, Is there a lot of third party drop shipments from the manufacturers eg: Autometer, in the States?
Unfortunetley, in my biz, most are non brick and mortar and drop ship direct from the manufacturer / distributor.
im confused, is the seller an independent person, or a small company?

this guy sells alot of gages?

its a refurb, with that being said, autometer sells referbs as new, i know this because.....
i bought some colbalt gages, similer **** but the gages didnt work, i bought through a 3rd party parts store, and autometer wanted me to send it back (me pay for shipping) they look over it, and if defective they send me a new one.....that was 3 months ago.

the parts store doesnt return defective parts, they want you to deal with the manufacture, thuss them not returning money.
First off Ebay rules require you to picture the exact item or disclose that it is not the item.
The picture was not even of the item I purchased. It was some general pic off of Autometers website. I also didn't leave negative feedback until way after the seller dismissed all of my suggestions to resolve the situation. He only would do it his way. Which is fine. I also was NOT ranting but considering the risk others may be taking when ordering a meter form this seller. Please read the posts before giving an opinion. You obviously did not read my posts or you would not have misunderstood my intentions.

OwdKasd, Just so you know I did read every post on this thread. I looked over the seller, what he is selling, his feedback and read his post here. You are in the wrong by giving him negative feedback. Go drive your truck and buy retail or order far enough ahead so you don't have this issue when you have some time off.
Can someone tell me, Is there a lot of third party drop shipments from the manufacturers eg: Autometer, in the States?
Unfortunetley, in my biz, most are non brick and mortar and drop ship direct from the manufacturer / distributor.
There's a lot of Internet based companies that also have a brick & Mortar store. They use the net to boost sales. Some also buy large quantities of returned/refurbished items and then resell them but they are supposed to disclose their condition. It seems like anymore, it's just better to go to an actual store. I know that O'reilly's will let me open the package and inspect it before even paying for it. Maybe it's not company policy but I live in a small town and the guys there are real cool. I ordered one from them and it will come directly from Autometer. I am pretty much done with buying on Ebay as far as "new" items. Used stuff is another story.
the seller messed up, the part was not as advertised
negative feedback is appropriate
the seller appears to be a standup guy and is willing to refund the money
at which time negative feedback should be removed, AFTER the buyer get's his refund and not a moment sooner
this is what "feedback" is for, to let potential buyers what has occurred in the past AND what was done to rectify the situation
no one can run a business with 100% customer satisfaction, there will always be problems that are out of the owners control, so NO business can honestly have 100% positive feedback

Actually what should have happened was the problem should have been resolved then feedback left if everyone went apeshit at every little hiccup and left neg feedback before the seller had a chance to fix the issue there would never be any %100 + members.
Blah Blah Blaaahhhhhh!
Man I just spent a hour welcoming people to FABO...
I went about a month back just to bury this thread like it should be.
So the OP jumped the gun!
Negative feedback is last resort,when all has not worked.........................
Now to our regular non crybaby programing.....................
But I know you have to have the last
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